
The Institute for Operations Research has its main research interest in the field of Mathematics of Operations Research, in particular Combinatorics, Optimization, and Mathematics of Data Science. These fields have a multitude of facets and a strong interdisciplinary character. Consequently, research at IFOR covers a broad range of topics from basic mathematical questions in combinatorics, algorithm design and analysis to industrial collaborations. Despite this diversity of considered problems, there is a strong interplay between many of our research directions.

IFOR also serves as a bridge, supporting all departments of ETH regarding problems in optimization: from mathematical modeling, through their analysis, and in their computational solution. Furthermore, IFOR has extensive experience with industrial collaborations.

Please refer to the individualgroupsfor more information on their reserach.

Prof. Dr. Afonso Bandeira

Bandeira Group: Mathematics of Data Science

Prof. Dr. Benjamin Sudakov

Sudakov Group: extremal graph and hypergraph theory, random structures

Prof. Dr. Robert Weismantel

Weismantel Group: Mixed Integer Optimization

Prof. Dr. Rico Zenklusen

Zenklusen Group: Combinatorial Optimization, Operations Research, Theoretical Computer Science

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