IT Services Group


Office: HG G 32.1

Blog with FAQ and Howtos

ETH Zurich
IT Services Group D-MATH
Raemistrasse 101
HG G 32.1
8092 Zurich

Opening hours

Monday – Friday
09:00 – 12:30 / 13:30 – 16:00

ISG's missionis to provide the right IT services of high quality to all members, to allow them to focus on their main tasks:research and teaching. The ISG staff is always active in the background, trying to keep things running smoothly.

About us

The IT Services Group (ISG) consists of5 memberswho are responsible for the procurement and maintenance of the IT infrastructure of the department and providing IT support to its members (excl. students).

The ISG providesdesktop and laptop computerswith Fedora Linux or macOS (no Windows!), external displays andprintersto alle the members of the department, takes care of thecentral compute clients, maintains servers (eg. forremote file access,remote work, file storage,version control system,forum,备份, ...) and also helps with a lot of ETH services (eg.Wireless, VPN,ETH account,access to the HPC,printing,Multimedia Support, ...).



Name Room Phone E-mail
Marcionelli, Michele HG G 32.1 + 41 44 632 6193

Group members

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