Scientifica 2023

Scientifica将从2到3赛特ber on the theme: "What holds the world together?". The Department's stand will introduce visitors to the topic of minimal surfaces.

At this year's Scientifica, the Department of Mathematics invites visitors to experiment with soap bubbles and learn more about the topic of minimal surfaces. At the stand, visitors will also learn that soap skins do not always have to be round and what other shapes they can take.

Inside the giant soap skin

Enlarged view: Giant soap skin

When the visitors pull on the rope, they are enclosed in a huge soap skin and can watch from the inside how it first hasthe shape of a tube, then it narrows until it touches the person and bursts.The shape that the skin takes is called aexternal pagecatenoidand describes the surface that forms between two rings that are pulled apart.

Soap bubbles with corners and edges

Minimal surface

In this experiment, visitors can dip the wire model of a cube, a tetrahedron or a prism into the soapy water and observe what surprising shapes the soap skins form. In this experiment, too, the soap films form in such a way that their surface area is minimal.


The exhibition stand will be located at thegta exhibitionspace inside theHILbuilding at theETH Zurich Hönggerberg campus.

Address:ETH Zurich Hönggerberg campus,gta exhibition, HIL D 57.1, Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5, 8093 Zürich

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